Real Cyclist. Real Lawyer. Here to Protect OUR Mobility.

Representing Injured Cyclists
The majority of Davidson Bike Law cases are bicycle or pedestrian personal injury and property damage cases. Whether you’ve been hit by a motor vehicle, fallen due to a dangerous road condition or defective roadway design, or assaulted by a road-raging motorist, Davidson Bike Law is here for you.
Mobility First
Davidson Bike Law advocates for safer riding and walking environments for ALL, not just a select few, and believe that riding a bike and walking are basic human rights and fundamental ways of living that encourage healthy lifestyle and mentality. Cassady Davidson rides to work, depositions, hearings, mediations, on her bike. She also rides her bike in her every day living as well as walking and running. She is ALL about mobility, and wants YOU to enjoy YOUR mobility too, without getting hurt.

Davidson Bike Law understands how collisions occur through riding a bicycle, walking, and being active. It’s important to recognize the trauma and stacked deck facing you when you get hit by a car or when you fall as the result of badly maintained, badly designed roadways. Davidson Bike Law has handled everything from wrongful death cases to stop sign violations, motorist assaults to fist-fights during a bike commute. The firm brings unparalleled expertise to your matter. If you have been cited, injured, or assaulted while riding your bike, chances are good that Davidson Bike Law can help.